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MetaLink Corporation Inc.

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MCS(R) 51/151/251 Microcontrollers FX
{ts '1998-04-25 08:25:35'}

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The iceMASTER-PE is an integrated emulator for the Intel 8051 family where the emulator base and probe card have been designed into a single package the size of a PC mouse. The entire emulator will plug directly into a target application or can operate in stand-alone mode. A 16K frame trace buffer is available which captures data in real-time and can be viewed while code is still executing. Trace information consists of the code address, external data values and logic values from external probe clips. The trace buffer can be triggered to capture data on all instructions leading up to a breakpoint, around (before and after) a breakpoint, or following a breakpoint. Trace ON/OFF points are also available to filter data before storing in the trace buffer, allowing the user to focus only on areas of interest. To improve the chances of finding a software bug, 2 categories of breakpoints are available to the user. The first is a simple breakpoint which is based on a code or external data address. The second type is a complex breakpoint which is based on a code address, direct address, bit address, opcode values, opcode class or immediate operand. Complex breakpoints can also be ANDed and ORed together to provide a more efficient debugging session.
All iceMASTER emulators are controlled from a windowed user interface where commands can be accessed from pull-down menus or through redefinable hot keys. Full source-level debugging is available for most Assemblers, C-compilers and PL/M compilers. Once loaded into the emulator, the user can view code memory in assembly language, source code for ¦Cª or PL/M and a mixed mode where the assembly language instructions are shown directly below each high-level source code instruction.

Tool Features:

  • PC Hosted via RS-232 Serial Link

  • 128K Hardware Breakpoints

  • 16K Frame Trace Buffer (Optional)

  • 64K Code and 64K External Data Memory

  • Palm-Sized Package Only 3"x4"x1"

  • Built-in Performance Analyzer (Optional)

  • Built-in Low Cost Logic Analyzer (Optional)

  • Full Symbolic & Source -Level Debug

  • Supports Third Party Assemblers & Compilers

  • 64K Trace on/off Triggers

  • Development Platform(s):

    PC Windows 3.11, Windows 95, Windows NT

    File Attachments:

    51.PDF - Electronic catalog page

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    8XC51FX - 40ldPDIP
    8XC51FX - 44ldPLCC
    8XC51FX - 44ldQFP


    Vendor Information:

    MetaLink Corporation Inc.

    325 E. Elliot Rd., Suite 23
    Chandler , AZ 85225
    (602) 926-0797

    Email :
    Fax : (602) 926-1198
    Toll Free : (800) 638-2423

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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